ISSN: 0970-938X (Print) | 0976-1683 (Electronic)

Biomedical Research

An International Journal of Medical Sciences


Relation of Elevated Serum Lipase to Indonesian Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Progression.

The increasing level of serum pancreatic enzyme indicates an inflammation of exocrine pancreas, known as pancreatitis. One of the pancreatic enzymes that evaluated in pancreatitis is lipase. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation of increasing level of serum lipase with duration of disease and progression of diabetes in Indonesian T2D subject. Subjects were categorized according to ADA 2013 into three groups: healthy controls (n=21), prediabetes (n=12), and diabetes (n=34). The data were analyzed statistically and expressed as mean ± SD. Multivariate analysis of variance was used for showing the differences of the variables. Multiple regressions were applied for correlation studies of the variables and it was continued with Structure Equation Modelling-Generalized Structure Component Analysis (SEM-GCSA) for evaluating the coefficient contribution of each variable in Hypothetic Model. The results showed there were elevated levels of blood glucose, insulin resistance, creatinine, and serum lipase activity in T2D. The increased serum lipase activities were positively correlated with duration of diseases, plasma glucose, HbA1c level, Insulin Resistance Index, and creatinine level, but did not correlate with lipid profile (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL), and insulin level in Indonesian T2D Patients. Hypothetic structural model showed that decreasing level of insulin contributed to increase insulin resistance, likewise, insulin resistance contributed positively to glucose level, and glucose level contributed to increase HbA1c level and also lipase activity, but the increasing activity of lipase was not contributed significantly to increase glucose level. So, the high serum lipase has correlation with progression of T2D

Author(s): Arie Srihardyastutie, Djoko W Soeatmadji. , Fatchiyah, Aulanni?am
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