ISSN: 0970-938X (Print) | 0976-1683 (Electronic)

Biomedical Research

An International Journal of Medical Sciences

2024: Volume 35, Issue 1
Pectin in the reversal of renal failure/uremia.

Author(s): Hang Ren

Abstract | PDF
Identification of culturable bacteria associated with the rhizosphere of Lablab purpureus growing in Namibia.

Author(s): Faith Fransisca Kavishe, Jean Damascene Uzabakiriho, Jeya Kennedy, Percy Chimwamurombe

Abstract | PDF
Study on lead exposure among school going children in Uttarakhand region and correlating blood lead levels with haematological and physiological parameters.

Author(s): Rajeev Singh Kushwaha, Nandani, Sandeep Dabral, Kanika Kakkar, Rajendra Rana, Tariq Massod, RK Singh

Abstract | PDF