ISSN: 0970-938X (Print) | 0976-1683 (Electronic)

Biomedical Research

An International Journal of Medical Sciences

Red Cell Immunology and Genotyping

Immunohematology is a specialized branch of laboratory medicine which involves the study of the immunology and genetics of blood groups, blood cell antigens and antibodies, and specific blood proteins. It plays an important role in blood banking and transfusion medicine. Immunohematology problems discovered during the process of routine pre-transfusion or antenatal testing often produce fatal incompatible antibody. Because the membrane of each RBC contains millions of those antigens and transfusing a patient with the incorrect blood group may have fatal consequences. For example, when a woman becomes pregnant, and during delivery a small amount of fetal blood enters her circulation. The exposure to the fetal antigens can readily trigger immune response, which induces incompatible antibody formation. The acquired antibodies may threaten the next fetus, and expose him/her to high risk by causing HDN. So resolution of these challenging cases is fundamental to the safe practice of blood transfusion. Immune-serological techniques have been widely used to identify and resolve the diagnostic problems in these cases. Molecular techniques are also increasingly used in immunohematology to determine the antigen profile of patients, resolve more complex problems and large scale red cell genotyping.

A large number of studies are published in the field of Immunohematology. However more clinical studies are needed to enrich our understanding of blood type incompatibility and to provide an opportunity for clinicians to implement the adequate prevention of alloimmunization as well as to make timely diagnosis and to introduce treatment of hemolytic disease in newborns. Publications in this special issue aim not only to demonstrate more research findings related to immunohematology in order to optimize the resolution of incompatibility problems in various blood bank, but also to ensure better management of preventing alloimmunization and improving transfusion outcomes. In addition, It gives also insight into the genetic variability of different blood groups in different ethnicities.

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Advances in Health Science and Biotechnology Application
  • Chao Jiang

    Professor, Wannan Medical College, China

Biotechnology has emerged as an essential part for improving the quality of life. In recent years, many biotechnology theory or products have been applied in the health management.

This special issue seeks contributions from authors who are engaged in the development and advancement of the efficacy and safety of biotechnology application in health or the research advances in health science.

The Potential topics included, but not limited to

  1. Biological materials or/and its application in health
  2. Biological testing or/and its application in health
  3. Biological products in the rehabilitation science
  4. Biological theory hypothesis
  5. Biology basic research including cells, molecule and chemistry related research
  6. Health management
  7. Other topics related to biotechnology and public health.
Sport Medicine
  • Dr. Kaijian Hou

    Shantou Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Affiliated Hospital to Guangzhou Chinese Medicine University, China

Sport exercise is one the most important activities for human being to keep healthy. Sport medicine is the interdisciplinary science between sport and medical science. The main purpose of sport medicine is to provide medical knowledge and guidance to sport exercise. With the knowledge about sport medicine, we can develop better treatment strategy to decrease the trauma caused by sport accident and help the patient recovery faster and better. Hereafter, we propose this special issue to seek contributions from authors who are engaged in Sports Medicine.

The Potential topics included, but not limited to:

  • Sport medicine related chemistry or physics study
  • Sport medicine related psychology study
  • Sport medicine related psychology study
  • Sport medicine related pharmacology study
  • Sport medicine related toxicology study
  • Other studies about sport medicine
Biomedical and cellular systems for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes

Biomedical and cellular systems for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes

Recent updates in Biomedical Research: COVID-19

Current Biomedical Research publishes reviews from academics and eminent scientists around the world, original studies, brief commentaries, case reports. Science Series, EBSCO Publishing, CINAHL, Journal indexed in SCImago, Scopus, Compendex, Elsevier Biobase, CNKI Scholar, IndMedica, Geobase, FLUIDEX, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, EMbiology, J-Gate, Biosis, Online Archive, Biosis Previews, Chemical Abstracts.

Dear Colleagues,

The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 that has uprooted Our lifestyles, working patterns and social relationships have proved to be an inescapable opportunity to reconsider our collective research and concentrate attention on those we care for.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the world since December 2019 and there have been over two million confirmed cases. The COVID outbreak was first identified in Dec 2019 in China. a transmission from animals to humans. A couple of months later, thousands of patients worldwide need intensive care and billions of people are living under national lockdowns. Nobody is spared this pandemic from the medical, psychological , and economic ravages. The medical community's international efforts seek to find successful drugs and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.

The virus is mainly transmitted by people close to each other, most frequently by tiny droplets formed by sneezing , coughing, and talking. The droplets typically fall to the ground or surfaces rather than moving large distances by air. However, the transmission can also occur through smaller droplets that may remain suspended in the air in enclosed spaces for longer periods of time, as is typical of airborne diseases.

In this Special Issue, we invite original research papers and state-of-the-art reviews based on current knowledge and possible perspectives on SARS-CoV-2 including virology, epidemiology, biology, transmission, etc; COVID-19 phenotypic expression; diagnostic and therapeutic approaches,  treatment responses and diseases severity.

We are also involved in research and analyses assessing the positive and negative consequences of the various national approaches to crisis management and their psychological impacts.

Editorial Office
Current Biomedical research

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted online at

All articles are subject to peer-review. Accepted papers will be regularly published in the journal (as soon as they are accepted) and will be listed together on the website for the special issue. Review articles, short communications and research articlesare invited. A title and short description (about 300 words) will be forwarded to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website for the scheduled articles.

Biomedical Applications in Health Sciences: Edition: II

Biomedical Applications in Health Sciences: Edition: II

<p>Biomedical Research in Healthcare</p>

Biomedical Research in Healthcare

<p>Advancements in Biomedical Discovery and Healthcare Delivery Through Digital Technologies</p>

Advancements in Biomedical Discovery and Healthcare Delivery Through Digital Technologies

<p>Current Trends and Challenges: Cancer, Infection & Immunity in Biomedicine</p>

Current Trends and Challenges: Cancer, Infection & Immunity in Biomedicine